Donate to AFFS

AFFS is a not-for-profit organisation. We need funds to continue our free speech work. We will spend your money carefully. Please see here for more details of the work that your donation will fund. Please email us at if you have any questions or would like to make a larger donation.

Best Free Speech Practice 

We have been developing a sister campaign, Best Free Speech Practice (BFSP), which will work to identify what the law is actually going to require in practice once the current free speech bill becomes law.

Campaign news

Some good news: the OfS is looking a lot more proactive (20.01.23) In the throes of what at times feels a long and [unrewarding] slog, it is wonderful to see some good news. The Office for Students issued an extraordinarily positive statement about free speech shortly before Christmas. It signals a much more proactive approach […]