
St Andrews have replied to our FOI request

We have received a reply to our Freedom of Information request to St Andrews University which can be found here with associated Appendix A here. We note and highlight the following:

St Andrew’s employs 5 people to make up their core EDI team at an annual cost of £235,189.00 pa. The team consists of the following:

Head of EDI

Deputy Head of EDI

2 x Diversity & Equality Advisors

1 x EDI assistant

As yet, there is no specific free speech employee.  

Whilst St Andrews write that it has allowed its Stonewall Diversity Champions membership to lapse, they are keen to point out that it continues to engage with Stonewall via the Workplace Equality Index.  It therefore seems that showing the Stonewall Diversity Champions Scheme the door had nothing to do with free speech concerns that have led others to leave.

The University also says that it is “focused on undertaking work on the renewal of the LGBT Charter over 2022/23-2023/24 which includes staff training within the cost and represented better value”. So, it seems to be a case out of the Stonewall frying pan into the LGBT Charter fire.

St Andrews also confirms that its compulsory online EDI training continues but refuses to disclose the contents

We are considering our next steps and will keep you informed of what happens.